To use your phone and account to buy a plan for a different device:
- Open the app on your phone and select the plan that you wish to purchase for the other device.
- When you get to the Order Summary screen, find the heading "Target Device" and tap "Change".
- On the next screen, tap "New Device".
- Complete the purchase by tapping "Buy Plan".
- When the transaction is completed, you'll be prompted to provide a name for the new device.
- After entering a new name for the device, you'll be taken to the app's My Plans screen.
- Your new plan, which is associated with the new device, is shown at the top of the screen.
- Tap "Install eSIM" and then answer No to the question in the popup. If you answer Yes, it will install the eSIM on your current device.
- After tapping No, you'll be prompted to send an email which will go to your email account Inbox. This email contains instructions on how to install the eSIM and a QR code that you can scan on the second device to download and install the eSIM.