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Troubleshooting connectivity problems

If you're having problems with using your GigSky mobile data plan, please check the following before contacting us for help.

  • Check that your mobile device is turned on and is running the latest version of operating system.
  • Check that the eSIM is installed correctly and that is turned ON and selected for Cellular Data.
  • Check that your mobile device is receiving a mobile network signal.
  • Check that the cellular data settings for your device are correct:
    • Cellular Data ON
    • Data Roaming ON
    • APN (Access Point Name) set to "gigsky" (without quotation marks, all lower case)
  • Turn your mobile device off and back on
  • Test your connection by opening a web browser on your device and attempting to open a website.

If you still have no internet connection, please contact us at with the following information:

  • Your exact location (Google Maps pin or GPS coordinates).
  • The make and model of your device.
  • The operating system software version.
  • The email address of your GigSky account.
  • The signal strength displayed on your device.
  • The cellular data settings on your device.
  • A description of the problem.
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